131,003 ₫
extra fee
771,799 ₫
Extra Freight
6,503,325 ₫
6,918,107 ₫
Phí Vận Chuyển
1,088,868 ₫
This link for paying extra fee
2,213,187 ₫
2,379,809 ₫
Special customised services
1,336,241 ₫
VR Robot Phí Vận Chuyển
253 ₫
253 ₫
shipping fee (only for raja iqbal)
970,904 ₫
1,387,006 ₫
VIP Option Package Tracking
10,611 ₫
506,450 ₫
Make up the difference
212,420 ₫
Thêm Liên Kết
253 ₫
Thanh Toán Cân Bằng
253 ₫
Tự Làm
3,537 ₫
Joydeal Thêm Phí
253 ₫
shipping cost
253 ₫
253 ₫
Print Fee 9
233,676 ₫
Gửi Lại
347 ₫
Customs Duties and Clearance Fees
30,322,371 ₫
Add Your Logo
51,319 ₫
Assembly cost
3,545,150 ₫
shipping fee
346,751 ₫