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Beauty & Health
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TF Type Fine Dental Burs Diamond Burs Dentistry Strawberries For High Speed Handpiece FG 1.6mm Dental Drill 10pcs/Pack
68,604 ₫
127,006 ₫
Dental Turbine LED Coupler Replacement Bulb Seal Coupling O Rings For KAVO NSK WH Sirona Bein-Air High Speed Handpiece
200,200 ₫
370,817 ₫
24 Holes Plastic Dental Bur Endo Files Holder Disinfection Carbide Burs Block Drills Sterilizer Case Box Dentist Lab Equipment
55,358 ₫
COXO CX235-2A Nha Khoa Nội Bộ Nước Tốc Độ Thấp Tay Bên Ngoài Thẳng Phẫu Thuật Tay 1: 1 Trực Tiếp Ổ Nút Chuck
609,272 ₫
1,903,814 ₫
Dental High & Low Speed Handpiece Metal Box Kits Air Turbine Straight Contra Angle Air Motor 2/4 Holes Silver
1,283,026 ₫
Dental Treatment Equipment 5W Oral Cavity Led Oral Lighting Lamp Oral Filling Light Photography Light For Dentist
1,302,327 ₫
1PCS Dental Lab 24slots Plastic Palette Watering Plate Mixing Plate Stain Mixing Tool
60,698 ₫
86,711 ₫
Dental Handpiece Sirona NEW T4 Air Turbine Rotor ceramic bearing Cap Spindle Shaft cartridge dentistry spare parts
637,580 ₫
Bộ 5 Mới Nha Khoa Silicone Miệng Chống Đỡ Hỗ Trợ Giữ Nước Bọt Tai Nghe Nhét Tai Hút Mũi
93,597 ₫
144,093 ₫
Dental LED 1:5 Increasing Fiber Optic LED Contrangolo Low Speed Innerwater spray Handpiece Red Rings FIt KaVo/NSK Electric Motor
2,550,066 ₫
5,425,808 ₫
COXO Dental Low Speed Handpiece Air Motor Straight Angle Inner Channel Water Spray Motor 2/4 Holes E Type Fit NSK KAVO W&H
1,384,824 ₫
2,308,040 ₫
Nha Khoa 5 Phong Cách Autoclavable Tủ Khay Nhựa Ngăn Kéo Người Tổ Chức Cho Nha Sĩ Bác Sĩ Phẫu Thuật Nha Khoa Khay
178,267 ₫
270,079 ₫
SND 100g Self Curing Artificial Teeth Resin False Teeth Material Acrylic Powder PMMA Lab Dental Technician Laboratory Products
276,436 ₫
AZDENT 3 Chiếc/Bộ Nha Khoa Dụng Cụ Làm Sạch Răng Miệng Bộ Răng Miệng Inox Gương Nhíp Khuỷu Tay Đầu Đo Nha Sĩ Nhạc Cụ
98,952 ₫
Dental Endo Root Canal Tooth Granules RCT Practice 1:1 Natural Size For Cavity Preparation Filling Practice Teaching 7/10Pcs
440,695 ₫
816,103 ₫
1Pcs Dental Plastic Sterilization Rack Burs Box Holders Cages Cassette Rack Tray Holder for 3 Instruments Disinfection Placement
52,212 ₫
106,580 ₫
10 Cái/lốc Nha Khoa Dùng Một Lần Ống Nước Miệng Irrigator Cấy Ghép Ống Nước Làm Mát Chiều Dài Ống 3.1M Nha Sĩ Chất Liệu Dụng Cụ
334,347 ₫
∅2.3 Dental Cross Cutter Drill Implant Bone Side Cut Debris Blade Fit Lindemann Pointed Head
519,755 ₫
633,755 ₫
New Dental Titanium Fiber optic High Speed Handpiece Air Turbine with Ceramic Bearing Torque push button head For KAVO coupler
1,330,112 ₫
2,418,359 ₫
Dental Universal Implant Torque Screwdrivers Wrench Kit 10-70NCM Ratchet Drivers Dentistry Implant Repair Tools prosthetics
244,576 ₫
349,394 ₫
GreatLife Dent Dental Equipment Photo-Activated Disinfection Low Level Curing Light Dental Soft Tissue Laser Treatment
6,066,436 ₫
9,944,960 ₫
Tartar Scraper Pick Remove Tools Dental Teeth Cleaning Dentistry Stainless Steel Household Odontology
22,188 ₫
31,879 ₫
10Pcs Azdent Dental Composite Polishing Wheel Burs RA 2.35mm For Composite Ceramic Lab Polisher Dentistry Instruments
211,167 ₫
422,588 ₫
Dental Bur Diamond Burs Taper Round End TR Type Extra Fine Standard Dentistry Strawberries Drill FG High Speed Bur 1.6mm 10Pcs
68,604 ₫
127,006 ₫
TF Type Extra Coarse Dental Bur Diamond Burs Dentistry Strawberrie FG 1.6mm For High Speed Handpiece Dentist Grinding Tool 10pcs
68,604 ₫
127,006 ₫
JOY DENTAL 30 Holes Dental Burs Drill Disinfection Block High Speed Handpiece Holder Aluminium Instrument Dentistry Tools
93,852 ₫
7Pcs Dental Tooth Cleaning Scaler Manual Use Professional Gracey Curette Periodontal Bone Curettes Perio Dental Instrument Tool
514,660 ₫
Parts for Oven - Mosi2 Heating Elements Replacement for Nabertherm LHT01/17D LHT03/17D Zirconia Sintering Furnaces
3,290,195 ₫
3,870,817 ₫
10 Meters/pack Nha Khoa Ống Nước Không Ống PU Ống Nha Khoa Ghế Đơn Vị Ống Phụ Tùng Nha Khoa Phòng Liệu Cung Cấp
219,073 ₫
547,809 ₫
Dental Bracket Removing Pliers Orthodontic Forceps Dentist Tools Instrument For Anterior Teeth Posterior Teeth Stainless Steel
354,277 ₫
Nha Khoa Răng Mẫu Với Cấy Ghép Overdenture Cao Cấp Bản Demo Mô Hình Cho Học Sinh Sinh Viên Nha Sĩ Bệnh Nhân Giao Tiếp Mẫu
731,687 ₫
1,045,376 ₫
Chỉnh Nha Nha Khoa Giảng Dạy Nghiên Cứu Mô Hình Vô Hình Chỉnh Hình Răng Hình Mẫu Cho Nha Sĩ Sinh Viên Nha Khoa Biểu Tình Dụng Cụ
805,646 ₫
1,611,293 ₫
1 Nha Khoa Burs Đánh Bóng Siêu Thô Trung Đồng Bằng Hợp Kim Vonfram Dao Cắt. HP Nha Khoa Phòng Khoan Mài
221,368 ₫
362,911 ₫
Fit Frasaco AG3 Typodont Dental Teeth Model Full teeth 32Pcs Screw-in Practice Filling Soft Gum Gingivae Teeth Training Teach
440,695 ₫
816,103 ₫
For KAVO 505C 507C 636C 636CP 636P High Speed Handpiece Dental Turbine Cartridge Air Rotor Dentistry Instrument Accessories
507,769 ₫
906,384 ₫
Endodontics H Files Clamp Holder Dental Tools Stainless Steel H K C+ Files Handuse Probe Fitting For Holder
103,929 ₫
148,470 ₫
X95 X95L Dental 1:5 Low Speed Handpiece Increasing Red Ring Contra Angle Internal Water Spray LED / NO LED Optic Fiber For E-typ
2,125,061 ₫
4,250,157 ₫
30 Holes Dental Disinfection Box Plastic Burs Drill Diamond Sterilization Case Holder Block Dentist Tools Dentistry Instruments
73,457 ₫
Dental Stain Glaze Paste Diluent Liquid Refreshing Liquid Stain and Glazing Paste Kits for Zirconia Dental Lab Cad Cam Material
504,585 ₫
572,245 ₫
JNSUR 10 Different Models Diamond Dental Burs 50pcs/pack Drills Dental Materials Clinic Supply Dentists Lab Dental Polishing
369,541 ₫
Nha Khoa Tay Khoan Tốc Độ Cao 2/4 Lỗ Tiêu Chuẩn Đầu Tuabin Khí LED E-Máy Phát Điện Gốm Mang Nha Sĩ Công Cụ Ba Nước phun
490,427 ₫
Dental E-generator Fiber Optic LED Light High Speed Turbine Triple Spray Handpiece With 4 Hole Quick Coupler Fit Kavo
2,285,087 ₫
3,264,411 ₫
12 Cái/Bộ Đánh Bóng Răng Bộ Tổng Hợp Nhựa Miệng Máy Đánh Bóng Máy Xay RA0312D
493,742 ₫
617,178 ₫