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Beauty & Health
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6 Grid Dental Rhinestones Tooth Rhinestones Teeth Jewelry Teeth Whitening Teeth Decoration Dental Crystal
59,820 ₫
Vita 3D Master Dental Lab Bleach Shade Guide 16/29 Colors Teeth Whitening Comparing Dentistry Clinic Colorimetric Plate
167,361 ₫
Ivoclar 0.5 1.0 2.5 5.5mm PMMA Radius cutter (PM7) 6mm Shank End Mills Dental Labortory Cad Cam Milling Bur
426,628 ₫
711,046 ₫
VVDental Dental RX-ray Portable X-Ray Rayer Oral Sensor Suite In Digital Imaging System Handheld Filmmaker Intraoral Oral fluor
13,720,008 ₫
28,583,350 ₫
Imes-icore CORiTEC 350i 350iPro 650i Grinder T21 T22 T23 6mm Rradius Milling Cutter Tool for Silicon Carbide Lithium Disilicate
522,141 ₫
870,236 ₫
Dental Vacuum Forming Machine Oral Film Press Dental Orthodontic Retainer Compression Molding Sheet Equipment VacuPress v7
22,950,378 ₫
31,438,855 ₫
Dental Teeth Shade Guide Porcelain 20Color A-D Tooth 4-Bleach
910,593 ₫
1,000,607 ₫
Dental Digital Sensor Filming Machine X-Ray Medicine Imaging System Camera Oral Medical Film Dental Equipment
22,731,510 ₫
VHF Xay Burs K5 0,3 / 0,6/1,0/2,0Mm Cho CAD CAM VHF Máy Cho Kim Cương bo Xay
509,483 ₫
1,019,732 ₫
100PCS Dental Lab Golden Ultrasonic Scaler Endo Tips ES3DT Compatible Sirona Piezo
12,933,179 ₫
16,166,538 ₫
VV Dental Oral Cutting Consists of Four Modes Osteotomy, Periodontal, Root Canal and Cleaning Patterns Hard Tissue Cutter
34,016,565 ₫
73,949,053 ₫
NSK Ti-Max DSG20L Optic Fiber 20:1 Dental Surgery Implant Handpiece Dental Contra Angle Detachable External&Internal Cooling
3,537,543 ₫
7,075,087 ₫
Dental Sectional Matrix System Sectional Contoured Matrix Dentistry Instrument Tool Dental Materials
629,046 ₫
1,258,127 ₫
Fit W&H TE-95 RM Handpiece Dental Turbine Cartridge Handpiece Air Rotor High Speed Handpiece Rotor Dentistry Tools
507,699 ₫
906,258 ₫
100 PCS/Bag Dental Endo Root Canal File Disinfection Marking Circle Ring Counting Silicone Endodontics Dentistry Stopper
250,210 ₫
305,148 ₫
3 Cái/bộ Nha Khoa Nẹp Cho Răng Máy Duỗi Chỉnh Nha Thiết Bị Giả Nẹp Huấn Luyện Cho Răng Liên Kết 3 Giai Đoạn Cho Người Trưởng Thành
93,329 ₫
6Pcs/Pack Dental Hand Use H-Files 21/25mm Stainless Steel Endodontic Root Canal Files Dentist Tools Dental Files Lab Equipment
42,451 ₫
Segma Smart Drills Kit Dental Matrix Sinus Lifting Drill Dentist surgical instruments Tool
14,267,372 ₫
23,778,942 ₫
Stab Wound Arm Trainer with Wearable Sleeve
2,958,660 ₫
Dental Air Polisher Oral Autoclavable Spray Nozzles Tips for NSK Prophy-Mate neo Prophy Jet Teeth Whitening Equipment Tools
614,967 ₫
991,856 ₫
6Pcs/Box Dental Endodontic Peeso Reamers Endo Files Gates Glidden Drill 32mm #1-6 #2 Stainless Steel endodoncia tools
94,523 ₫
5 Packs Dental Root Canal Files VDW C-Pilot Files 25MM 21MM Endodontics Root Canal Files Dentistry Oral Materials Dentist Use
1,337,191 ₫
1,910,273 ₫
Air Polishing RTA AP-H
6,664,732 ₫
8 Chiếc Nha Khoa Chuẩn Bị Sứ Bur Sứ Hợp Kim Ốp Hoa Và Onlay FG Burs
364,900 ₫
405,445 ₫
Nha Khoa Cấy Ghép Nhạc Cụ Dụng Cụ Inox Nha Khoa Ochsenbein Đục Răng Dao Chặt Xương Xương Chia Ghép Răng Miệng Phẫu Thuật Dụng Cụ
734,901 ₫
TJDent 1PCS Dental Sterilized Disinfection Bag Wrapping Packing Automatic Sealing Machine Sterilizer Clinic Dentist Product
8,720,044 ₫
10,900,055 ₫
Chỉ Nha Khoa Có Móc Khóa Cho Gum Chăm Sóc Răng Vệ Sinh Chăm Sóc Răng Miệng
135,913 ₫
150,958 ₫
GREATLH Dental Universal Implant Torque Screwdriver Wrench Prosthetic Restoration Ratchet Kits Dental Tools
556,148 ₫
794,570 ₫
JT-08 Dental Centrifugal Casting Machine Dental Lab Equipment Lab Tools
2,408,699 ₫
Dental Typodont Model Columbia Dentoform 860Type With 32pcs Removable Teeth
521,363 ₫
250 Pcs Disposable Nozzles Tips for Dental Triple Air Water Syringe 3 Way Syringe Transparent Color Tips Dentist Tools Lab
490,728 ₫
981,456 ₫
Dental Implant Teeth Model Dental Teaching Model Dentistry Dentist Demo Studying Dental Laboratory Dentistry products
444,969 ₫
741,786 ₫
High Quality Easyinsmile Dental Material Wires for Braces Mini Orhto Bracket Round Natural NITI
373,777 ₫
622,961 ₫
Dental File Root Canal Taper Endodontic 25mm 0420# File Gold Heat Activated Rotary File Flexible Dentist Materials SOCO PRO COXO
200,225 ₫
Nha Khoa Overdenture Răng Mẫu Có Thể Tháo Rời Nội Thất Mandibular Răng Hàm Dưới Mẫu Mandibular Với Cấy Ghép Cho Răng Giảng Dạy Học
323,336 ₫
461,799 ₫
Dental Endo Holder 8 Hole Dispenser Endodontic File Drill Stand Holder Autoclavable New Products
79,049 ₫
Dental Endo Stainless Steel Tapered Finger Spreaders Hand Use Files Endondontics Root Canal Files Dentistry Tool
69,869 ₫
1 Box Dental Matrix with Springclip No.1.330 Sectional Contoured Metal Matrices Full kit for Teeth Replacement DentalTools
294,748 ₫
25W Dental Induction Light Operation Lamp For Dentistry Dental Chair Unit Oral Light Mobile Clinic
4,691,940 ₫
5,864,925 ₫
DCLOUD 76 Holes Dental Burs Holder Organizer Box Autoclavable High Low Speed Handpiece Burs Case Disinfection Stand Dentist Tool
166,265 ₫
415,661 ₫