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Beauty & Health
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Dễ Dàng Lắp Đặt Cho Nha Khoa Ghế Đơn Vị Xây Dựng Trong Bàn Chải Ít Điện Micro Động Cơ Micromotor Nha Khoa Chất Liệu
9,339,610 ₫
11,674,530 ₫
VV Dental Piezosurgery Bone Cutting Tips Set for Woodpecker NSK Handle with 6-holes Holder Bone Surgery Tips Set
2,246,340 ₫
4,492,680 ₫
Tapered Round/Flat Brass Threaded Dowel Pins for Dental Labs
13,304,200 ₫
OLEVO 48/96Pcs Dental Temporary Primary Molar Crowns For Kids/Adult 1st/2nd Stainless Steel Pediatric Teeth Crown Dentistry Tool
2,164,234 ₫
4,704,933 ₫
Dental Implant Maintenance Tps Porcelain Dental Ultrasonic Cleaning Tips Abutmen Restoration Woodpecker EMS
1,961,356 ₫
2,762,468 ₫
Dental Double Head Retractor Upper Lower Lip Retractor Lip Intraoral Cheek for Adults/children Mouths Opener Dentist Tool
125,583 ₫
251,166 ₫
Dental Silicone Suture Pad Kit Skin Medical Sugical Suture Practice Model Trainer Set with Tools Set
842,607 ₫
1,404,369 ₫
FPS3000 Dental X Ray Film Positioner Positioning Holder Kit
1,529,980 ₫
Dental Models Removable And Restorable Models Of Diseased Teeth For Teaching Dental Typodont Model With Removable Teeth Bridge
237,723 ₫
475,481 ₫
Universal impl ant Screwdriver Torque Wrench Prosthetic Restoration Hand Driver Remover Kit den tal Instrument Tool
2,723,908 ₫
Miễn Phí Vận Chuyển 4 SJK Phòng Thay Thế Dụng Cụ Wax Lông Khắc Bút Chì Bút Cho Nha Khoa Phòng Kỹ Thuật Số Điện Sáp
466,389 ₫
10Pcs Dental Crown Matrice Adhesive Brackets Rods Refill Bonding Stick Dentistry Dental Tools
179,778 ₫
359,556 ₫
Nha Khoa Chụp Hình Ảnh Gương Đèn LED Sương Mù Giá Rẻ Chỉnh Nha Chất Liệu Inox Độ Cứng Cao Chụp Ảnh Phản Quang Răng Miệng Ortho Dụng Cụ
647,947 ₫
1,136,775 ₫
Dental Sandblasting Machine Air Polisher Flow Air Water Prophy Machine Teeth Whitening Polishing Machine Dental Equipment
4,072,043 ₫
5,090,500 ₫
Ultrassist Wearable Abdominal Belly Injection Trainer
2,946,774 ₫
7Pcs=1 Set Dental Composite Resin Filling Kit Spatula Filler Instruments Aesthetic Restoration Dentistry Tool Knife Double Ends
404,695 ₫
622,608 ₫
JNSUR Ban Đầu Nha Khoa Endo Irrigator Với 20 Chiếc Dùng Một Lần Thủy Lợi Kim 2 Lỗ Chân Răng Bụi Hướng Dẫn Sử Dụng Dụng Cụ Nha Sĩ
1,239,794 ₫
1,878,561 ₫
1PCS 28 Teeth Tongue Mouth Puppet Kids Mouth Hand Puppet For Speech Improvement Mouth Puppet For Speech Learning
598,222 ₫
854,749 ₫
Runyes 3.0 Pro Scanning Tips Dental Digital 3.0 Pro Intraoral Scanner Runyes 3DS Scanning Tips STandard/Mini
1,255,686 ₫
2,164,977 ₫
3-Stage Composite & Zirconia Polisher Kit: Blue, Pink, Grey Discs for Efficient Pre-Polishing High-Gloss Finishing in Dentistry
103,367 ₫
Bộ 50 Đầy Màu Sắc Đánh Bóng Răng Bàn Chải Máy Đánh Bóng Prophy Cao Su Cúp Chốt Nylon Cho Nha Khoa Phòng
119,083 ₫
Dental Implant Torque Ratchet Wrench Tool TOP GERMAN QUALITY,10.5 MM , 10-50 NCM Top Quality With Drivers
527,943 ₫
Dental Lab Electric Micromotor, Low Speed Contra Angle & Straight Handpiece for Precision Work
3,135,820 ₫
7,839,585 ₫
40Pcs/Box Dental Polishing Discs Holding Rod Mandrel Soflex Flexi Disc RA Shank Teeth Whitening Material Dentistry Tools
59,643 ₫
68,275 ₫
Dental Auto-water Supply System X1 1000ML For Dental Ultrasonic Scaler Pressure Pump Water Supply Bottle, Dental Portable
1,365,508 ₫
1,950,725 ₫
Dental Sensor RVG Radiovisiograph X-Ray Digital Sensor Intraoral Imaging System HD Image Multi-lingual Dentistry Tools
11,998,179 ₫
Stainless Steel Baby Crown Primary Molar Crown 48PCS/Dental Kids Crown For Posterior Teeth Dental Oral Teeth Crowns for Children
2,292,399 ₫
4,167,969 ₫
Dental Resin Filling Composite Spatula Titanium Plated Head Resin Filler Set Thick Handle Restoration Set Dental Instrument
410,249 ₫
820,533 ₫
Odonto sem Galantia Dental Planting Torque Wrench with Multiple Functions Adjustable Force Limiting Wrench Setscrew
4,048,328 ₫
8,261,894 ₫
Dental Endo Strata Wedges Soft Cervical Seal Diastema Composite Wedge Arc Matrix
314,156 ₫
392,695 ₫
Dental Fissure Tungsten Steel Carbide Burs FG Bur Drills for High Speed Handpiece FG 700 /701 /702 Fissure Polishing Bur
270,198 ₫
435,790 ₫
VVDental Dental Piezo Surgery Bone Cutter Equipment Ultrasonic Bone Piezosurgery Machine Surgery Pro Surgical Motor Dentisty
37,144,205 ₫
74,288,409 ₫
Merison MZ0001 Dental Implant Instruments Set 26-item Kit Dental Tools for Implantation With CE Approved
11,256,463 ₫
5PCS Woodpecker DTE Dental Supragingival Scaler Tip GD1 Compatible DTE SATELEC NSK
346,541 ₫
509,483 ₫
3Pcs/lot Dental Mouth Opener S/M/L Occlusal Pad Teeth Prop Bite Rubber Retractor Latex for Dental Clinic
24,409 ₫
54,231 ₫
Lodden 100pcs Dental Polishing Green Stone Medium Contour Ceramic Low Speed Burs For Dentists Teeth Care and Polishing Tools
821,099 ₫
Dental Ultrasonic Scaler Handpiece handle Fit Suprasson P5 ACTEON Satelec FB6 FB7 Autoclavable
1,520,291 ₫
2,269,216 ₫
Dental Model Removable Teeth Teaching Model With Soft Gum Tooth For Dentist Students Practice Training Studying Typodont Models
420,331 ₫
857,854 ₫
GreatLife Dent Dental laboratory Operation Root Canal Treatment Observation Instrument Microscope For Dental Chair 45/51mm
40,681,748 ₫
101,704,370 ₫
Universal Dental Implant Torque Wrench Screwdriver Prosthetic 10-40NCM Ratchet Drivers Kit
2,294,716 ₫
2,578,272 ₫
Completely waterproof dustproof,3W,AC/DC optional Surgical Headlight for:ENT, Stomatology, Plastic Surgery (No magnifying glass)
3,659,713 ₫
5,303,932 ₫
4Pcs/Box Dental Glass Ceramic Lithium Dislicate Block Cerec CAD CAM HT LT B40 Blocks High Quality Durable Porcelain Blocks
2,072,103 ₫
2,527,018 ₫
Dental Tiny Cover for Aluminum Oxide Air Abrasion Micro Blaster Sandblaster Powder Dust Proof Cap 2Pcs 134 Degree Autoclave
305,573 ₫
611,146 ₫
Dental Span Ring Precision Finger Ruler Gauge Instrument Endo Measure Scale Endodontic Dentist Laboratory Equipment
52,019 ₫
1Pcs 60 Hole Dental Burs Holder Plastic Box Burs Dental Autoclave Box high quality Dental Holder
109,345 ₫
218,691 ₫